Dinosaur Jr, The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion, The Mark Of Cain, Redd Kross, Psarandonis and Cat Power are Feel Presents contributions to one helluva line-up for 2013’s Golden Plains Festival held on a farm outside Melbourne. An event that also features the mighty George Clinton and P-Funk – wow!First round ticket winners have already been notified with the second round now open at Sounds like a road trip to us!

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“Stay Away From Downtown” the Coolest Song of the Week @ Little Steven’s Underground Garage! (Sirius)

Little Steven’s Underground Garage (on Sirius) names Redd Kross’ “Stay Away From Downtown” the Coolest Song of the Week!

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The show is archived on their site.

The Underground Garage has received rave reviews from leading music magazines and television shows. Rolling Stone Magazine called the radio show “mind-blowingly great,” adding that, “Quite simply, Underground Garage is the most exciting thing to happen on rock and roll radio in years.” And MTV named Little Steven “the coolest DJ in the country, a proud throwback to the late-night hipster jocks of long-gone 1960’s and ’70s FM Radio.”

Check out the video for “Stay Away From Downtown” here:

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Innocent Words Review of Researching The Blues

Innocent Words writes “Researching the Blues is everything a Redd Kross fan has been hoping for for nearly two decades: catchy power pop with engaging/entertaining lyrics that keep you focused on the speakers.

Fans of the band will not be disappointed. Standout tracks include “Stay Away from Downtown,” “Dracula’s Daughter,” and “One of the Good Ones.” The McDonald boys truly shine on this album, showcasing their abilities to write infectious, gritty melodies while occasionally pulling back the curtain on their hard rock and surf punk roots.”

Click here to read the full review.

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KEXP Song of the Day: Redd Kross – Stay Away From Downtown

KEXP writes: “Despite being completely different than anything else released this year, Researching the Bluesis a exactly what we needed this summer, a predictably cool record to listen to with friends while kicking back and talking about old times. Despite the long hiatus, this album wastes no time ripping right into it with 10 songs and 32 minutes of power pop joy. Today’s featured song, “Stay Away From Downtown,” might just be the highlight of the album, full of all sorts of great riffs and crunchy guitars, and may still be one of their best songs ever written. If you’re not familiar with Redd Kross by now, this is a great time to take a listen and for those who forgot, you’ll be caught up instantly.”

Click here for the full story.

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